
Showing posts from August, 2021

Got the Best Electric Bicycles? Keep These DOs and DON’Ts in Mind!

So, it’s been just a week you bought a new electric scooter and are about to tackle a ride the next morning. That’s great! It can provide you access to the narrow lanes in Bangalore and reach your destination avoiding the traffic. But even if you are a pro-rider and have one of the best electric bicycles in Bangalore , that won’t work unless you don’t know how to handle your e-bike! Curious to know? Keep on reading then!  How to Treat Your Electric Cycle and How Not Whether you have got an electric bike already or are about to, you must keep the following tips in mind. The guidance will help you remind what to do and not with your electric cycle. Such as: DO • Electric cycles differ from bikes just in the use of petrol. Otherwise, both are more or less the same!   That’s why make sure to take your electric cycles for servicing at least once a year! From checking the gear set to tighten the bolts- all are essential! • Be sure to clean the chain and lube at least once in a...

How to Ride Hybrid Cycles Safely in Gurgaon: Smart 3 Tips!

Riding an electric bike, is no doubt, great fun! You can have some unique and different experiences than conventional bikes or cycles! With an electric motor in pedal-assisted mode, it seems great. But it's only when you know how to ride those correctly! According to a recent survey, most people having hybrid cycles in Gurgaon don’t know the right way to take a ride on these. Are you interested to know? Keep on reading today’s post, then! Simple tricks to ride on an electric cycle perfectly Needless to say, riding an e-scooter is great for health as a regular mode of transport. But you may prefer staying safe while having fun- Isn’t it? Then, knowing the following riding tips is mandatory, such as: Starting at slow speed! The rule of thumb of riding a hybrid cycle is to start slow. Even if you ride a conventional bike so far, e-cycles are different in speed than that. The Li-ion battery pulls the speed up quickly than other bikes. It can be a risk for you to keep your speed at the...