Maintenance Costs of the Best Electric Cycles Vs. Petrol Scooter!

The debate is never-ending here while talking about e-cycles and regular conventional bikes. Today the petrol price in India has crossed ₹115, and if you decide in this regard, you better switch to the best electric cycles in India . Still, if you want to compare the maintenance costs to decide whether e-bikes are more worth investing in than regular petrol scooters or bikes, have a glance at today’s post. What Requires More Maintenance Costs: Electric Cycles or Petrol Bikes? There’s always misinformation about electric bicycles regarding their expenses. For example, these are more expensive than regular petrol scooters, from the sticker price to the maintenance to petrol costs. But not at all! Find out here: Evaluate the sticker price: First, compare the actual charges of electric cycles and petrol scooters. An average petrol bike comes in around more or less ₹80,000 while e-bikes start at nearly ₹49,000. Now, it can drive up depending on the features, style, and range you want. ...