Looking for the Best Electric Bicycle? 3 Things to Know Before That!

 Maybe you don’t know, but e-cycles are getting more on the craze than regular bikes! And if you are on a plan to get the best electric bicycle in Kolkata, having a little bit of knowledge about it is a MUST. And you may find today’s post quite helpful here! Have a look!

best electric cycles kolkata

What to know about electric bicycle

Getting an e-bike is quite a huge investment, not to mention! That’s why having a proper idea about this is necessary. Such as:

Electric cycles are affordable than regular bikes!

You may find yourself in a dilemma whether you should go for an e-bicycle or conventional bikes, especially when it's about the budget. Then, you should know that electric cycles are more reasonably charged than regular two-wheelers. It starts from around ₹48,500, while a bike with proper mileage will come near about ₹80,000. Now, the decision is up to you.

Hybrid and mountain electric bikes are different!

Don’t make a random choice if you find both of these options in any e-bike store! Mountain bikes can ease your rides on the steep terrain, while hybrid e-cycles are perfect to use on the road. The former can’t give you the highest speed in the downhill because of its different gear design.
Yet, determine first how you want to use that and how your area terrain is to pick the right one!

More power when you pedal!

That’s right! You can reach the highest speed (up to 80 km per charge) while riding on an electric cycle if you pedal equally. On the other hand, it’s the best way to save charge as well!

electric cycles kolkata

Best e-bike store to look for

Look nowhere else than Toutche Electric for the best electric bicycle in Kolkata! They have an excellent collection of e-cycles that come in vibrant colours and are reasonably priced. Visit toutche.com to get now!


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